发布时间:2022-04-20 07:39
时间:2023-06-30 22:47
(BCP)Best Carnivorous Plants (Czech Republic)
E-mail: cp(at)bestcarnivorousplants.com
Comments: An extraordinary inventory of all kinds of carnivorous plants and seeds. Will ship internationally. Plants grown from seed and tissue culture.
Borneo Exotics (Sri Lanka)
E-mail: borneo(at)lanka.net
Comments:Nepenthes. Grown from from seed, this new firm is now exporting worldwide. At present you can look at the 300+ photographs at its web site.
Botanique (USA)
E-mail: kley(at)mail.rlc.net
Comments: Sales only within the continental USA.Sarracenia, Nepenthes, Drosera, and others.
Brutala Blommor (Sweden)
E-mail: brutalablommor(at)@hotmail.com
Comments:Nepenthes, Sarracenia, Cephalotus, Drosera, Pinguicula, Utricularia, Dionaea, Heliamphora. Tillandsia, and many more strange plants & equipment.
Bug Biting Plants (USA)
Comments: Wholesale only. Carrying Venus flytraps, sundews, cobra lilies, pitcher plants, and others.
California Carnivores (USA)
E-mail: califcarn(at)aol.com
Comments:Nepenthes, Sarracenia, Cephalotus, Drosera, Pinguicula, Utricularia, Dionaea, Heliamphora.Author of The Savage Garden, this source is highly recommended by the FAQ-lords.
Carnivorous Plant Nursery (USA)
E-mail: info(at)carnivorousplantnursery.com
Comments: We provide a complete line of low-cost, high-quality carnivorous plants from around the world, as well as teaching materials for carnivorous plants. All of our plants are nursery propagated from seeds, cuttings, divisions and tissue culture.
Cascade Carnivores (USA)
E-mail: support(at)cascadecarnivores.com
Comments: Online sales of dewy pines, american and tropical pitcher plants, Venus flytraps and sundews, butterworts and bladderworts. We never field collect our nursery stock. Our plants are all seed grown, propagated by division and cuttings, or grown from tissue culture. USA sales only.
Cooks Carnivorous Plants (USA)
E-mail: cooks(at)flytraps.com
Comments:Dionaea, Drosera, Sarracenia, Nepenthes, Utricularia, Pinguicula.Will ship internationally.
The CP Jungle (USA)
E-mail: cpjungle(at)aol.com
Comments: A large selection ofNepenthes, as well as many flytrap forms andSarracenia.Has permits to ship CITES Appendix I plants, such asSarracenia alabamensis, S. oreophila, andSarracenia rubrasubsp.jonesii.
Dangerous Plants (USA)
E-mail: thayes(at)dangerousplants.com
Comments: A large selection ofNepenthes, Drosera & Sarraceniaas well as flytrap forms,Pinguicula, Heliamphora, CephalotusandUtricularia.
Drosera Gemmae (USA)
E-mail: droseragemmae(at)yahoo.com
Comments: We specialize in pygmyDrosera. We have a big selection of plants and gemmae to choose from at lower prices.
Exotica Plants/Andrea and Geoff Mansell (Australia)
E-mail: exotica(at)isisol.com.au
Comments: Extensive range ofNepenthes(species and hybrids) for worldwide wholesale/retail.
Flora Laboratories (Australia)
E-mail: andre(at)alphalink.com.au
Comments: Carnivorous plant tissue culture service in Melbourne, Australia. Also supply carnivorous plants in-vitro, Keikigrow plant hormone pastes and laboratory supplies.
Hewitt-Cooper Carnivorous Plants (UK)
E-mail: nigel(at)hccarnivorousplants.co.uk
Comments: Established 10 years, our range of nursery grown plants continues to increase. We supplyDionaea, Drosera, Drosophyllumseed,Pinguicula, Sarracenia, Utricularia, and sundries. Plants can be sent throughout Europe.
Houston Herpetological Supply (USA)
E-mail: info(at)houstonherp.com
Comments: Retail sales ofDionaea(Venus flytraps),Drosera(sundews),Nepenthes(tropical pitcher plants),Pinguicula(butterworts), andSarracenia(North American pitcher plants)--all proced by tissue culture, seeds or division - via mail order/phone order. US sales only. Wholesale prices available on larger quantities.
insektenfang plants (UK)
E-mail: enquiries(at)insektenfang.com
Comments: I maintain one of the largest and most diverseSarraceniaandDionaeacollections in the country, along with substantial representation of most other carnivorous genera.
Keehns Carnivores (Canada)
E-mail: rkconcepts(at)telus.net
Comments: "in vitro"and traditional propagation of carnivorous plants. Sales to Canada.Dionaea, Drosera, Sarracenia, Nepenthes
Malesiana Tropicals (Borneo)
E-mail: malesiana(at)tropicals.com.my
Comments: Retail/wholesale nursery in Borneo specializing inNepenthes, orchids, palms, ferns, aroids, and other exotic plants.
Meadowview Biological Research Station (USA)
E-mail: meadowview(at)pitcherplant.org
Comments: Plant sales fund restoration and research work.Dionaea, Drosera, Utricularia, Sarraceniahybrids andSarraceniaanthocyanin-free hybrids and species.Sarraceniaspecies and regional restoration requests (e.g. TexasS. alata, S. rubra subsp. jonesiiandS. rubra alabamensis. Aldrovanda. Cephalotus.Plant sales only in USA. Specially bredSarraceniaseed.
The Nepenthes Nursery/Andreas Wistuba (Germany)
E-mail: andreas(at)wistuba.com
Comments:Nepenthes, Heliamphora, Pinguicula, Cephalotusworldwide except Australia and New Zealand.
PetFlytrap (Texas, USA)
E-mail: orders(at)petflytrap.com
Comments: Primarily sellsDionaea(Venus flytraps) via mail order/phone order. Also sells other carnivorous plants, including sundews, butterworts,Sarracenia, andNepenthes
Predatory Plants (USA)
E-mail: info(at)predatoryplants.com
Comments: We stock a wide selection of sundews, butterworts,Sarracenia, Nepenthesand many other plants. We ship bare-root and potted plants to anywhere in the United States.
SarraceniaNorthwest Carnivorous Plants (USA)
E-mail: jeff(at)cobraplant.com
Comments: We promote the growing ofSarraceniaspecies and Venus flytraps outdoors. We also provide a free monthly reminder on how to care for your plants all year round.
Shropshire Sarracenias (UK)
E-mail: mike(at)carnivorousplants.uk.com
Comments: Specialising inSarraceniaspecies forms, named locations and hybrids (around 1,000 different clones) along with a wide range ofDionaea, I can deliver within the EU or worldwide with the appropriate CITES permits. All plants from divided stock or rhizome cuttings.
Southern Carnivores (Australia)
E-mail: phillmann(at)scarnivores.com
Comments:Nepenthes, Cephalotus, Drosera. Plants grown from seed and tissue culture. Specializing inNepenthesandNepentheshybrids.
Triffid Nurseries (UK)
E-mail: andy(at)triffidnurseries.co.uk
Comments:Nepenthes, Sarracenia, Drosera, VFTs, Pings, Utrics,HeliamphoraandCephalotus. Plants shipped throughout Europe. Extensive CP Seed List shipped worldwide.
Triffid Park (Australia)
E-mail: triffids(at)triffidpark.com.au
Comments: Hundreds of species, books, etc. A very large supplier.
Tristan's Carnivorous Plants (USA)
E-mail: tristanscps(at)hotmail.com
Comments: Specializing inNepenthesandSarracenia.All plants have been propagated by Tristan's Carnivorous Plants.
World of Carnivores (USA)
E-mail: sales(at)world-of-carnivores.com
Comments: Carnivorous Plant Sales & Supplies along with Care/Propagation/Tissue Culture Guides. Complete with a family oriented Forum to post questions or just chat with other CP enthusiasts.
(CZ)CZ Plants:http://www.czplants.com/
VFT SHOP - The Venus Fly Trap Shop:http://www.vftshop.com/
Hewitt-Cooper Carnivorous Plants:http://www.hccarnivorousplants.co.uk/
Triffid Nurseries, The Carnivorous Plant Store, Quality Carnivorous Plants and TRIFFID PARK:http://www.triffidpark.com.au/
小购Welcome to Carnivorous plants website:http://www.vleesetendeplanten.nl/index.htm
时间:2023-06-30 22:47
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