
发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 01:03



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 00:05


The Cowherd and the Girl Weaver (牛郎织女)

On the east bank of the Heavenly River lived a girl weaver, daughter of the Emperor of Heaven. She worked hard year in and year out, weaving colourful clothes for gods and goddesses.Since she lived all alone, the emperor took pity on her and allowed her to marry the cowherd on the west bank of the river. However, she stopped weaving after she was married. Greatly outraged, the emperor forced the girl back across the river and allowed her to join her husband only once a year. On the seventh day of each autumn, magpies would suddenly become bald-headed for no obvious reasons at all. According to legend, that day the cowherd and the weaver met on the east bank of the river, and magpies were made to form a bridge for them. And for this reason the down on their heads was worn out.



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 00:05

Long ago, there was a wise honest young man, no parents, had to live with his brother and sister-in-law.
One day, Vega in the sky and other fairy Xiafan the game together, bathing in the river, cowboy in the help of the cow met Vega, two alternate feelings, then Vega would secretly Xiafan, came to earth, the cowboy's wife.
Cowherd and Weaver married, one family live a happy life. But the day before long, Wang Mu was forced Weaver back to the sky, the Cowherd and the girl weaver are separated.
The cowherd took their children, along with clouds chase Weaver God, seeing we must catch up, Queen pull out the head of the jinzan waved, milky way appeared, the Cowherd and the girl weaver was divided in two sides, only relatively cry tears. They touched magpies, tens of thousands of magpies flying, to build a bridge, to let the Cowherd and the weaving maiden walked on the bridge, the queen also helpless, but to allow the two men in every July 7 in Queqiao meet.